Wesg 2018 Sc2
- Rules - World Electronic Sports Games 2018-2019
- World Electronic Sports Games 2019 - Liquipedia StarCraft 2 Wiki
Winners from WESG 2018-2019 online qualifiers will directly enter the WESG 2018-2019 Grand Final, which will be held in China in Spring 2019 by Alisports. During the Grand Final, each participant can have the availability to computers for all duration of the tournament. 144hz monitors will be prepared for team disciplines. WESG 2018 Qualifiers Asia-Pacific Central Asia Finals hide (1) Replicant: 3–0 Phoenix: WESG 2018 Qualifiers Europe Ukraine Main Event Final hide (1) Bly: 4–2 Kas: WESG 2018 Qualifiers Europe Ukraine Main Event LB Round 4 hide (1) Hellraiser. WESG 2018 - SEA Qualifier allows 4 players to advance to main event. 10 players Group Stage: Swiss System. All matches are Bo3. Top 4 players advance to the Playoffs. Playoffs: Single-elimination bracket. All matches are Bo5. Game Title:StarCraft II. Game Version: StarCraft II – Legacy of the Void Latest Pitch Win/Loss Condition: Types GG in public chat channel or destroys enemy’s all units. Match Rules BO1 Map Selection Method: a). Determined by referee draws or both sides ban. WESGmain streams live on Twitch! Check out their videos, sign up to chat, and join their community.

Four groups were played on the day 1 at WESG 2018-2019 StarCraft II division and 8 players advanced to the next stage - Single-Elimination Bo5 Playoffs. A lot of big names among winners, such as Serral, Maru, Neeb and Elazer.
Group A was an easy ride for Alex 'Neeb' Sunderhaft, well known Protoss from USA. Over the 5 matches, he lost only 1 map to Terran MaSa. Serral occupied the second place with only 1 defeat to Neeb. As Joona Sotala mentioned in the interview before the tournament, he still doesn't feel confident against Neeb and score of 0:2 only proved that.

In group B first two lines were occupied by Grzegorz 'MaNa' Komincz and Julian 'Lambo' Brosig. Both Protoss and Zerg showed high performance and deserved to continue in the playoffs.
Terran-dominated group C became a huge disaster for other participants. Mexican Juan Carlos 'SpeCial' Tena Lopez and Korean Cho 'Maru' Seong Ju just wiped out all the other competitors and in the face-to-face battle Maru took the victory. Interesting fact that among 8 winners only Maru and SpeCial represents Terran.
Rules - World Electronic Sports Games 2018-2019
And the last but not the least Group D was led by two unconventional favorites: Korean Park 'Dark' Ryung Woo and Mikołaj 'Elazer' Ogonowski from Poland. One of the world’s best Zergs have managed to defeat all the opponents, but it was not an easy day for them, especially for Elazer. While Dark lost only 2 maps, Elazer had to fight over the place in the playoffs till the end.
The next day will bring Groups E, F, G and H to fight and we expect one more day of truly high StarCraft II from iAsonu, Scarlett, INnoVation, TIME and other competitors. Join our Twitch starting from 4:00 CET and watch WESG 2018-2019 Grand Finals: https://www.twitch.tv/wesg_sc2
World Electronic Sports Games 2019 - Liquipedia StarCraft 2 Wiki
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