Professional Blackjack Analyzer Software
- Professional Blackjack Analyzer Software
- Professional Blackjack Analyzer Software For Mac
- Professional Blackjack Analyzer Software
Download BlackJack Analyzer for free. Simulation software for black jack.
- BlackjackInfo community member MGP has kindly released his blackjack combinatorial analyzer software for Windows as freeware. Download the zip file here: (7.6 MB). The software license grants free usage for private, non-commercial use. Unzip the downloaded file and run the included Setup.exe file.
- Professional Blackjack by Stanford Wong is one of the best blackjack books ever written with a great explanation and charts for both the most widely used counting system in the world in Hi-Lo and probably the most powerful or very close to the most powerful systems ever devised in the halves count, a must have for any serious player for sure.
Publisher of the finest books and software on blackjack, video poker, and other gambling topics byStanford Wong.
Pi Yee Titles
- Professional Blackjack by Stanford Wong
- Blackjack Secrets by Stanford Wong
- Basic Blackjack by Stanford Wong
- Professional Video Poker by Stanford Wong
- Optimal Strategy for Pai Gow Poker by Stanford Wong
- Casino Tournament Strategy by Stanford Wong
- Betting Cheap Claimers by Stanford Wong
- Stanford Wong's Current Blackjack News
About Stanford Wong
Stanford Wong loves to solve puzzles. And that is what winning fromcasinos is all about - solving puzzles the casinos have created. Hegets more satisfaction out of solving the puzzles than using thesolutions to win money in casinos.Of course he has done his share of win ning. When he was in graduateschool, play ing blackjack was his major source of income, and hestayed in school long enough to earn a Ph.D. from Stanford.
Now he has it made - a wonderful wife, two great kids, and acomfortable home in La Jolla, one of the garden spots of the world. Hehas converted two oftheir seven bedrooms to offices, so commuting towork in the morning means strolling down a hallway. One of the officesoverlooks their pool. Everyday he runs along a fabulous ocean view toget his mail. He is his own boss. Anything that has to be done that hedoes not feel like doing himself, he hires someone else to do. He couldnot have a more pleasant life had he chosen to do something other thantry to beat the casinos.
Perhaps you are wondering whether his advice is accurate, and if it isvaluable why is he selling it instead of using it himself. His adviceis accurate and valuable. He does use it himself. But he prefers tospend a majorpart of his time writing a new hook or creating a newsoftware product Probably he could earn more money by investing histime in casinos instead of writing books, but why should he? Spendingmore time in casinos would not be an improvement in his life style. Andhe truly does get more satisfaction out of teaching others to beat thecasinos than beating them himself. So - he writes the books, and youcan use them to win money in casinos.
Professional Blackjack
This is the 1994 revision of a classic first published in 1975. Professional Blackjackteaches card counting. New in the 1994 edition: strategies for playingnew rules such as over/under, simulation results to replace all the'best guesses' of earlier editions, and tables of expectations.
'It is an outstanding blackjack text. There is no other blackjacksystem that is both simpler and more powerful.'
***Edward O. Thorp,author of Beat the Dealer.
'Stanford Wong's new Professional Blackjack is an absolutelyoutstanding book. Not only is it the most technically accurate anddetailed reference to the high-low and halves counts, it is also oneof the best sources for information on the finer points of the game.'
***Michael Dalton, author ofBlackjack: A Professional Reference andeditor ofBlackjack Review.
ISBN 0-935926-21-6, 352p, MSRP $19.95.Order from ConJelCo.
Blackjack Secrets
Blackjack Secrets explains how to get away with playing a winingblackjack game without getting kicked out of the casino. It covers suchtopics as good plays to avoid, how to get away with bet size variation,finding good games, the importance of penetration, stashing chips,heat, giving your name to casinos, streaks, what to do with a big betat the shuffle, and acting like a gambler.
A 24-page chapter on winning faster covers such topics as tokingadvantage of unusual circumstances, break-in dealers, forcing ashuffle, team play, learning to see faster, the delayed raise, andcutting for advantage.
A chapter entitled 'Turning Pro' answers letters from people who wantto become professional blackjack players.
ISBN 0-935926-20-8, 256p, MSRP $14.95.Order from ConJelCo.
Basic Blackjack
What blackjack neophytes need is basic strategy. It must be masteredbefore one goes on to card counting. Basic Blackjack has the mostcomplete explanation of basic strategy available anywhere.
Example: In early 1993, blackjack players of Ramada Express in Laughlinwere pleasantly surprised to find the casino had decided to pay 3:2 onfive-card hands at blackjack. Those customers who had Basic Blackjackhad only to open to table 21 to find basic strategy for exploiting thisrule.
Basic Blackjack also contains the best of Winning Without Counting, anout-of-print book on getting an edge at blackjack without countingcards that initially sold for $200 per copy.
ISBN 0-935926-19-4, 224p, MSRP $14.95.Order from ConJelCo.
Professional Video Poker
Professional Video Poker is a book that shows how to get an edge atvideo poker at Nevada and Atlantic City casinos. The material has beencasino-tested by pros who support themselves almost entirely on whatthey wi playing video poker.
The video-poker strategies were devised with the intent of maximizingwirings per hour. Each strategy is presented in a compact chart thatuses easy abbreviations for the different possible draws. You don'thave to memorize the strategy because you can find the correct play forany hand in just seconds.
The most common beatable machine is a progressive with a high jackpot.Professional Video Poker explains how high the jackpot must be to giveyou an edge, how to calculate your expected earnings per hour, and howto calculate risk.
In the best video-poker opportunity l personally have played, in early1987, I estimate my time was worth $150 an hour. Today you cannot hopeto find such a valuable situation. But $30-an-hour opportunities arecommon, and pros still exist.
ISBN 0-935926-15-1, 159p, MSRP $14.95.Order from ConJelCo.
Optimal Strategy for Pai Gow Poker
Pai gow poker is a game of skill, and Optimal Strategy for Pai Gow Poker explains how to win. Itexplains the optimal play of every possible hand that can be dealt.
Included are lists of how frequently each five-card hand and eachtwo-card hand are achieved. Also included is advice for playing in apal gow poker tournament.
Mike Caro, 'America's Mad Genius,' and author of Professional Pai GowPoker Report, says: 'Those serious players seeking to make a living atpai gow poker will find Wong's Optimal Strategy for Pai Gow Poker analmost perfect path to profit.'
Anthony Curtis, publisher ofLas Vegas Advisor, says: 'Whatever yourmotives for playing pai gow poker - comps, cover, fun or profit -Optimal Strategy for Pai Gow Poker provides all the information you'llneed to analyze a game and play intelligently.'
ISBN 0-935926-17-8, 160p, MSRP $14.95.Order from ConJelCo.
Casino Tournament Strategy
Casino Tournament Strategy contains advice on getting an edge attournaments in blackjack, craps, baccarat and keno.
Getting an edge in a tournament for the most part means correct moneymanagement, i.e. betting the right amounts at the right times. Inblackjack tournaments it also means proper playing strategy, includingplaying some hands differently in certain situations than in a regularblackjack game. This book explains it all.
Anthony Curtis, publisher of Las Vegas Advisor, says: 'Tournament playoffers a greater opportunity for profit than any other gamblingactivity available today. I've won a lot of money at tournamentsapplying the techniques outlined in Wong's book. My biggest tournamentwins to date are $125,000 at craps, $76,000 at blackjack, and $50,000at keno.'
ISBN 0-935926-18-6, 256p, MSRP $19.95.Order from ConJelCo.
Betting Cheap Claimers
Betting Cheap Claimers explains how to make money betting on thoroughbreds. Itsmethods work best on cheap claimers, hence the title. Most horse racesare for cheap claimers.
Betting Cheap Claimers not only provides empirical support for themethods a casual racebook customer can use to get an edge, but it alsoexplains the methodology so that you can do your own empirical testingof other theories.
There is a chapter explaining how to get a big edge at handicappingtournaments.
I thought I had the key to the vault when in December of 1988 I madebets of $32,345 and cashed tickets of $45,890, for a net of $13,545.Those profits were due to success on betting huge biases atPhiladelphia and Bay Meadows, both of which had fast rails at the time.How to recognize and take advantage of biases is one of the chapters inBetting Cheap Claimers.
ISBN 0-935926-16-X, 190p, MSRP $14.95.Order from ConJelCo.
Stanford Wong'sCurrent Blackjack News has been published since 1979. It covers the whole United States.Regular monthly newsletters are mailed to you and contain updated lists of casinos coveringrules, number of decks used, penetration, and anything else that you need to know to be able togo straight to the best blackjack games.
Special issues cover great money-making opportunities that pop up between regular monthly issues.Eight special issues were published in 1994, and 1995 is on the same pace. Here is an example. Aspecial issue dated 26 May 1995 announced that Morongo in Palm Springs would pay 3:1 on naturalsduring 'happy hour' starting 1 June 1995. When you receive 3:1 on naturals you have an edge greaterthan 6%. Morongo held happy hour three times a day, two days a week for bets up to $100. Therewere fifteen happy hours, and readers who played them all cleared $5,000 per person.You can have special issues sent to you by e-mail, fax, or snail-mail.
MSRP $10 (single issue), $49 (one year, e-mail), $79 (one year, snail-mail),$99.00 (one year, both e-mail and snail-mail),$395.00 (one year, e-mail plus e-mailed special issues of particularly goodnews),$445.00 (one year, e-mail or snail-mail, with faxed special issues).Order from ConJelCo.
Blackjack Count Analyzer
Blackjack Forum ratedBlackjack Count Analyzer the 'best user-friendlydo-everything software' for blackjack.
You can set up almost any set of blackjack rules ever offered,including the new bustout and over/ under bets. The program calculatesbasic strategy and count strategy indexes for your rules. If you wishyou can input your own strategy indexes. The program has a game modeand runs high-speed simulations.
Practicing in the game mode is the best way to learn how to countcards. Blackjack Count Analyzer can be set to tell you if you make anerror. Not only is this a fun way to learn, but you can build suchincredible speed playing against a computer that you can easily handlethe fastest human dealer alive.
Blackjack Count Analyzer is as user-friendly as a program can get. Youwill have no trouble setting up your own blackjack rules, printing outa hard copy of basic and count strategy for those rules, and either beplaying a game or running a high-speed simulation, all within fiveminutes of turning on your computer.
Here is a sample application of Blackjack Count Analyzer. I got a phonecall from a player who discovered a casino paying 3:1 on naturals. Hethought he had a big edge, but had lost $600 in one hour of betting twohands of $25 each.
So I called up Blackjack Count Analyzer and set up the rules of thegame. After simulating a million pairs of hands, I was able to informthe player that in an average 100 pairs of hands he would win $310,with a standard deviation of $495. That truly was a fabulous game - aplayer edge of 6.2%.
Blackjack Count Analyzer also has a simulation-within-a-simulationfeature that I used to find the probability of losing $600 in an hourat that game. The answer is 0.03. The program also found the chance ofthe low point being a loss of $600 or more: 0.07; the chance of endingup a winner of $600 or more: 0.27; and the chance of being up by $600or more at some point during the 100 rounds: 0.39.
Doing all of the above, including running the simulation, took lessthan an hour on a 486-66. And it was easy A first-time user of theprogram would get these results as fast as I did.
MSRP $79.95, Requires a 386 or faster DOS-compatible computer with hard drive. 3.5'disk sent. 5.25' by request.Order from ConJelCo.
Blackjack Analyzer
Also available:Blackjack Analyzer, which isBlackjack Count Analyzerwithout the card counting. If you want to learn basic strategy, or ifyou just want to play blackjack on your computer, Blackjack Analyzer isall you need. Blackjack Analyzer allows you to set up any set of rules,finds basic strategy for your rules, runs simulations using basicstrategy, and allows you to play blackjack as a game. If you wish, itwill notify you when you deviate from basic strategy. The price onBlackjack Analyzer is $29.95.Do not buy both Blackjack Count Analyzer and Blackjack Analyzer becausethe former will do everything the latter does.
MSRP $29.95, Requires a 386 or faster DOS-compatible computer with hard drive. 3.5'disk sent. 5.25' by request.Order from ConJelCo.
BJedge is a Windows program that acts like a spread sheet to find thecasino's edge for any set of rules and any number of decks. It is not agame. It does not run simulations, but rather summarizes the results ofhundreds of large simulations I have already run using Blackjack CountAnalyzer.I wrote BJedge to quickly generate some of the data needed forCurrentBlackjack News. Whenever a casino changes its blackjack rules, I set upthe new rules on BJedge to find, to two places past the decimal, thecasino's edge. For example, if a casino sets up a six-deck game withdouble after splits, resplit aces, and the dealers hit soft seventeen,it takes just a few seconds to determine from BJedge that the casino'sedge is 0.55%.
MSRP $19.95, Requires a PC with Windows 3.0 or higher and a mouse or other pointing device. 3.5'disk sent. 5.25' by request.Order from ConJelCo.
Tournament Blackjack
With Stanford Wong's newTournament Blackjack software you can play andanalyze blackjack tournaments.
Suppose that as you are playing in a real blackjack tournament, youencounter a situation that you would like to analyze. Perhaps you arewondering whether a big bet or a small bet would be better. Or whetherdoubling down or hitting is better. First, remember or write down allthe details. Then, input all those details into Tournament Blackjackand run a simulation.
Tournament Blackjack maintains the Pi Yee Press reputation for user-friendliness.
You can set up almost any tournament format you wish. Each player canbe set to automatic or manual play Set your opponents to make flatbets, use a Martingale, count cards, parlay their bets, etc.
Bet query: Find out what bet the computer would make if it were playingyour hand.
Deja vu: Recreate the situation at the start of any round you havealready played. Then review the previous play of that round bet by betand play by play.
Fast forward: Set up a sixty-hand tournament and then zip right throughthe early rounds to get to the interesting part: the final few rounds.
Live play: Play Tournament Blackjack like a game.
Rules: You can fine-tune the rules of the game to duplicate those ofalmost any tournament.
MSRP $49.95, Requires a PC with Windows 3.0 or higher and a mouse or other pointing device. 3.5'disk sent. 5.25' by request.Order from ConJelCo.

Stanford Wong Video Poker
Stanford Wong Video Poker is both a game and a tool for analyzing videopoker.Graphics: Your own computer will look as good as the best casino videopoker machine. You have the option of standard playing cards or IGTcasino video-poker cards, with or without animation.
Professional Blackjack Analyzer Software
This program is a great way to learn playing strategy Simply inputwhatever payoff schedule you want, and start playing. You can ask theprogram to tell you the best play on every hand, alert you whenever youmisplay a hand, or sit quietly until you want advice on a hand. Within30 minutes you will have learned how to play all the most common hands.
Make deuces wild if you want Add a joker if you want. Use any payoffschedule you want. Make each four of a kind pay something different ifyou want.
Calculations of the various ways to play each hand are done on the fly,and thus the program's advice on the best way to play each hand isaccurate.
With Stanford Wong Video Poker you can play tournaments. You have achoice of a variety of one-person and two-person tournaments.
Stanford Wong Video Poker requires color. If your computer cannothandle color, ask for Video Poker Analyzer. (Stanford Wong Video Pokeris Villa Crespo Software's revision of Pi Yee Press's Video PokerAnalyzer.) Order from ConJelCo.
MSRP $19.95, Requires a PC with Windows 3.0 or higher, color monitor, and a mouse or other pointing device. 3.5'disk sent. 5.25' by request.
This is not a game. For a game, seeStanford Wong Video Poker.VPEXACT was written at the request of a video poker pro. The programhas only one function: It tells you the exact overall payback and theprobability of getting each winning combination. It does this bycycling through every possible hand, finding the best cards to hold,and keeping track of the results of playing the hand perfectly.
Finding the best play when all suits pay the same takes two hours on a486-66. If you want to specify different payoffs for royals ofdifferent suits, the calculation time on a 486-66 is one day.
VPEXACT includes the option of exiting the program temporarily andrestarting at the break point, so that you can use your computer forother things and do the video-poker calculations during slack times.

VPEXACT works only on DOS machines such as PCs. It is the only softwarePl Yee Press sells that is monochrome. It requires only 100k RAM.
MSRP $29.95, Requires a 386 or faster DOS-compatible computer. 3.5'disk sent. 5.25' by request.Order from ConJelCo.
ConJelCo Homepage Page last modified: 12-17-95Introduction
Blackjack is the game of choice for many players who are serious about gambling. Unlike slots, this is a skill-based game: you need to know all the rules and also be thorough with strategy to chalk up wins regularly; mere luck just won’t do.
There are a lot of players who play blackjack with real money, but for fun and as a hobby, the casual gamblers. They usually play with minimal bets and are happy to win every now and then. There are also players who are serious about the game and in fact make a living out of it; these are the professional blackjack players. On this page we will take a quick look at how to become a professional blackjack player.
Becoming a Professional Blackjack Player: 5 Rules to Follow
Most of the stuff about blackjack strategy that you read online or hear about has to do with basic blackjack strategy; they are there in keeping with the ‘educating the masses’ methodology. They will not be of much use to you if you are looking to become a professional player. Here are 5 rules you can follow to become a professional blackjack player.
Know when to use the Doctor Pepper Rule. Another rule that players follow in blackjack is the Doctor Pepper rule: hit a hand of 12 consisting of 10 and 2 if the dealer’s face card is 4; stand for any other hand of 12 for the same dealer’s face card. Generically, this rule may work. However, when you break it down further, you will find that there are 4 permutations to forming a 12-hand: 7 and 5, 8 and 4, 9 and 3, and 10 and 2.
If your hand has a 10 and a 2, the probability of landing another 10 if you hit goes down slightly, and your chances of winning go up to 40%. However, for any of the other hands, say a hand of 7 and 5, the probability of landing a 10-value card increases, and your odds of winning while hitting therefore goes down a notch to 39.75%. In such a scenario, hitting may not actually work to your advantage at times.
Professional Blackjack Analyzer Software For Mac
Read the game carefully. You will have to dig deeper to understand the game; for instance, you will find that compared to what you get in a standard chart, there could a difference in approach to playing depending on the value of the cards in a hand. So if conventional blackjack wisdom is to hit instead of standing if you have a hand of 16 when the dealer’s first card is an Ace, that situation could very well vary depending on how many cards in your hand make up the 16 and what the dealer’s face card is.
Assume you have a hand of 16 – a 6 and a 10, while the dealer has a Jack as the face card. If you apply the law of probability here, the odds of winning remain almost the same regardless of whether you hit or stand – 23% for standing against 23.5% for hitting. This is because the 2 big cards that could contribute to a bust – the 10 and the Jack, along with the medium-size card that is 6, are already dealt and hence out of the deck; bringing down the possibility of busting.
Use the Rule of 45 wisely. Many times the way you play will actually vary also depending on the number of cards that make up your hand. To understand this better, let us again take the example of a hand of 16, with the dealer’s face card being a Jack. Conventional wisdom dictates that you hit. However, if your hand has 3 or more cards, the better option could even possibly be to stand because the odds of going bust go higher as the number of cards in your hand increases. In such a situation, the Rule of 45 may actually backfire, as it is meant to be used only when the dealer’s face card is a 10.
Ensure your bankroll matches your ambition. Blackjack is a game of skill and even as a professional who plays the game for a living you cannot expect to win all the time. Ensure that you have a bankroll that is able to help you tide over the times you lose. You cannot expect to win a 6-figure pay packet with a bankroll of $100 all the time, for instance; a big bankroll helps.
A good bankroll would be at least $40,000, for instance. Because assuming that the average bet in a regular game is about $4 to $5, you would need to bet way higher to be able to make a living out of blackjack, at least 300 times higher. Playing higher wagers also gets you juicy comps at the casinos you visit.
Card counting is an option. While blackjack strategy is one way to go about ensuring you win more often and lose lesser, another way, a little controversial one at that, is by counting cards. Card counting works well in land-based casinos: you keep track of the cards that have already been dealt and know the ones that are still to come; this helps you tweak your betting according to your analysis. It is not illegal, but casinos definitely do not encourage it because it allows the player a shot at lowering the house edge.

At the end of it all, it is about practice. You do not become a professional blackjack player overnight. The only way you take that leap forward is by constantly practicing. Play initially with family and friends, and then with small money. Then head into moderate and later big money play. A good way to practice is to sign up at one of the online casinos that offer blackjack and play in the free-play mode.
Blackjack Success Stories
There are a number of fantastic success stories you read about when you look at professional blackjack players. One of the most iconic is the story of Don Johnson. Johnson was the founder of Heritage Development, a company that offered software-driven wagering programs related to horse racing, but he is globally known as the man who took the Las Vegas casinos for a whopping $15 million in the space of 6 months in 2011.
After negotiating with the casinos for healthy discounts, he struck a gold vein during the period mentioned and won close to $6 million at the Tropicana, almost $5 million at the Borgata, and over $4 million at Caesar’s.
Another great story is that of Josh Axelrad. He is a professional card counter who is now on to other things. Back in the 1990s and early 2000s, he was part of a blackjack team that played in Vegas and won hundreds of thousands of dollars doing so. His experiences as a blackjack player in Vegas took the form of a memoir that was quite well received: Repeat Until Rich: A Professional Card Counter’s Chronicle of the Blackjack Wars, published by Penguin in 2010.
Recommended Books for Advanced Blackjack Players
There are a number of books that advanced blackjack players can read. These are books by former blackjack experts and players and have, apart from information on technique and skill, a wealth of knowledge that you might not otherwise find. One back that you would find an interesting read is Playing Blackjack as a Business, written by Lawrence Revere, a professional blackjack player who was also a pit boss.
Professional Blackjack Analyzer Software
Armed with a math degree from the University of Nebraska, he wrote Playing Blackjack as a Business and was also responsible for putting together a series of card counting strategies, including the Revere Point Count, the Revere Five Count Strategy, the Revere Plus-Minus Strategy, and the Ten Count Strategy.